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Jodi and Heiko on tour

Back since 13th July 2010!

**Currently in: Heilbronn, Germany 17.07.10**

Well, it's over and reality is still kicking in. Were we really away for a whole year? On Monday we head to Munich where the search for a flat and a job will start (for me at least). Unfortunately I did not get enlightened along the way as to what my dream job would be but I'm sure something will turn up.

All that is left to say at this point is that it was the best year of my life even with all the ups and downs along the way. If anyone reading this is wondering whether to do the same - DO IT! You will not regret it.

Thanks to everybody we met along the way who made travelling fun and and for all the lovely messages whether on the homepage, facebook or email. It's nice to know our friends and family did not forget us :-)

We will update the homepage with Nepal, India etc. as time allows so don't delete us from your "favourites" list just yet!

Our NEWEST reports are Hong Kong, Angkor Temples, Kong Lor & 4000 Islands Laos, Vietnam, Photography Course and Luang Prabang. were added recently. All are online under latest news.

That’s all for now – look forward to seeing the rest of you soon!

Jodi + Heiko